Watch Rango Online
Watch Rango is an upcoming American computer-animated comedy film starring Johnny Depp as Rango (a chameleon), Bill Nighy as Rattlesnake Jake (a western diamondback rattlesnake), Isla Fisher as Beans (a desert iguana), James Ward Byrkit as Waffles (a horned toad), and Abigail Breslin as Priscilla (a mouse) directed by Gore Verbinski and produced by Graham King. It features the voices of actors Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, Bill Nighy, Abigail Breslin, Alfred Molina, Harry Dean Stanton, Ray Winstone, Ned Beatty and Timothy Olyphant under Paramount Pictures. In Rango is a chameleon that lives in a terrarium and frequently seeks to fit in with his ambiance. He finds himself aloof from his current American southwest ambiance and ends up in an Old West town in the center of the Mojave Desert called Dirt, which is colonized by different wasteland critters garbed like characters out of Western fiction. Thinking himself a conqueror, Rango establish himself as the town's sheriff, not knowing that people who have held that heading do not fare very well in grime In "an existential crisis" Rango come to question the whole thing about himself. In the theatrical trailer watch Rango free online it is set to be released in March 4, 2011
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